Get Everybody In

“Get everybody in” is the title of a project that our school is carrying out this school year2022-2023 and a part of 2024. This is a new project KA210 within the Erasmus+ Programme.

The motivation of the project is that there is a lack of source of inclusive activities in schools. As we all work in schools with disadvantaged students (SEN students, boarding students, monoparental students, socially and economically disadvantaged ones, refugees, minority groups) all  schools need a guide which will include a range of activities that will help  students promote their self-skills, enhance their social and emotional abilities, help them tolerate diversity as well.

As project objectives for students

-To help them self-realize themselves in society and recognize their own potentials

-To increase academic achievement and motivation with the help of activities that will integrate them into the school environment and to prevent early school leaving correspondingly

-To develop cognitive and personal abilities of students (including refugees, SEN and disadvantaged students) through social activities such as decision making, approaching events from different angles, sense of responsibility, patience and kindness

-To increase their tolerance and acceptance of new cultures

-To learn the horrible results of racism and discrimination

-To improve management, communication and foreign language skills as well as group work, ICT skills (Web 2.0 tools.)

The project lasts 18 months 3.10.2022-3.04.2024. Romania, Macedonia, Turkey participate

and Poland. Our school is a partner in all project activities.

This project provides  a mobility with the participation of 6 students from Romania to Turkey in the period 9-13 October 2023 and a mobility in Romania of 6 participants from Poland and 6 participants from Turkey in the period 10-13 May 2022.